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How to Heal a Non-Healing Wound

Author: Prasad Kilaru, MD​

The human body can do some really incredible things. 如果你想想 a typical scrape or a cut, it can go from bleeding to fully healed in 不到一个月. That’s pretty amazing. However, some conditions can interrupt your body’s natural healing process, resulting in chronic or non-healing wounds.

What is a chronic wound?

Chronic wounds are ulcerations that don’t follow a predictable pattern of healing, typically showing slow or no improvement within 4 -6 weeks. Often caused by an underlying condition or conditions, these can take years to heal or may never heal completely. Without specialized medical intervention, chronic wounds put their owners at an increased risk of infection, which can lead to serious complications including loss of limb or 生活.

Some types of chronic wounds include:

  • 糖尿病溃疡
  • 静脉溃疡
  • Post-Surgical Wounds
  • 压疮
  • 缺血性溃疡
  • 创伤的伤口

What is the typical pattern of healing?

Usually, your body heals in four fairly predictable stages: the hemostasis, inflammation, pro生活ration and 成熟阶段s. In chronic, non-healing wounds one or multiple stages of this process have been interrupted.

止血相, your body is attempting to stop the loss of blood. 你体内的血小板 bloodstream bond together to plug holes in the injured blood vessel.

The swelling, heat and redness you typically associate with the 炎症阶段 is your body flooding the injury site with water, salt and protein. 这 helps restrict blood flow, prevent infection, and promote healing by making the wound site more accessible for repair agents like nutrients, enzymes and white blood cells.

扩散阶段, granulation tissue, which is made up of new blood vessels and connective tissues, begins to form over the wound.

最后, 成熟阶段 is where a wound fully heals. All of the repair agents are removed and thick, collagen-rich scar tissue is rearranged to make the skin and repaired 结构更强. 这 can begin a few weeks after a wound appears and last for a year or more.

这 wound healing process can be disrupted by several factors, including infection, poor blood supply or shearing. Sometimes a wound can’t progress past the inflammatory or pro生活rative phase—that’s when increased attention is needed.

Why Does 伤口护理 Matter?

Chronic wounds can have a considerable impact on one’s quality of 生活. In addition to the physical pain they cause, they can cause psychological strife, mobility issues, and be expensive to treat.

Because they are often caused by underlying medical conditions like diabetes, peripheral artery disease, varicose veins or chronic immobility, they require a team of specialists to treat the wound as well as manage the cause. 这 may include endocrinologists, podiatrists, plastic surgeons, vascular surgeons, infectious disease specialists, pain management specialists or physical therapists and involve a variety of therapies including infection control, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, negative pressure therapy, debridement and advanced therapies such as the use of skin substitutes and finally possible surgical intervention.

To learn more about how we treat chronic or non-healing wounds at the Washington Center for 伤口愈合 and 高比重药物, visit the Washington Hospital website.
